
See Why People Choose Water's Edge

From Clients

Jeff Schoen, CEO - Orchids Paper Products Company

“We hired Louie (via Water’s Edge) in September 2017 to help us with our investor relations. Since then, Louie has been an invaluable asset in helping us improve our investor relations program. Louie has a solid understanding of our company / industry and his Wall Street background provides a unique ability to connect with investors. Through his efforts, Louie has built a good rapport with our shareholders. In addition to effectively handling all inbound investor calls, Louie has been proactive in his outreach to current and prospective investors, which has driven increased interaction. We also have used Louie’s Wall Street background to provide insight into how the street will react to different news events and scenarios. In addition, Louie has assisted us in writing press releases, writing the prepared remarks of the earnings calls and different components of the 10K. Through his work, Louie has made a significant impact to our investor relations program.”

From Investors

Ning Wang, Partner - Cataria Capital Management

“Water’s Edge is fantastic. Louie is so knowledgeable about his company, I would’ve mistaken him for a full time employee, except he also clearly understands how equity research works on my side of the business. A very pleasant surprise, and night-and-day difference compared to most other outsourced IR firms that waste my time with clueless recent communications grads.”

Rich O'Leary, Analyst - Precept Capital

"Louie brings a very unique approach to the IR role with his background as both a sell-side and buy-side analyst. He understands what both sides want and need from investor relations and he is able to deliver it very efficiently and effectively. And, he goes beyond just answering questions with insightful analysis that as an analyst I really appreciate like how comparable companies are doing in the reporting season; what peer valuation multiples are; next milestones/catalysts to watch for etc. Working with Louie is always a good use of my time which is saying a lot in the IR industry."

John B. Walthausen, CFA, Portfolio Manager - Walthausen & Company

“Louie works hard to help investors understand the company and the broader context of industry conditions. He responds quickly to questions and helps by reaching beyond your questions for a better understanding.”

Ross, Director of Research - Family Office

“Louie at Water's Edge has a very deep fundamental understanding of the companies who he works with. His level of knowledge and insight exceeds what an investor would expect from leading Wall Street research. He's one of the best I've encountered in the IR business.”

Anonymous, Analyst - Investment Advisor

“I typically don’t talk with investor relations firms when researching companies, given their limited knowledge about the companies. Water’s Edge is different in that Louie is very knowledgeable and is able to address detailed questions about the company and industry. He also periodically emails relevant industry information with insightful commentary that helps in understanding the investment. Have never seen that before from an IR firm! Working with Louie is helpful as he is easily accessible and always able to provide insight to my questions.”

A Unique Approach To Investor Relations